09/23/1999 – Analysis of Sudden Retraction in Ashbrook Case

The following comes to the ICFDA courtesy of Ian Goddard, a tireless
researcher and journalist sympathetic to our mission of educating
others to the dangers of mind-altering medications:

The report that Prozac was found in the home of Larry Gene Ashbrook,
who went on a murder spree in a Texas church, has suddenly changed. The
AP reports that investigator “Lt. Mark Krey retracted his earlier
remarks in which he said police found a vial of the antidepressant
Prozac with Ashbrook’s name on it.” [1]

The new story is that the only medications in the house were his
fathers, but the father of Larry is named Jack — two different names!
How could police have mistaken a vial with the name “Jack” on it for
one with the name “Larry” on it? The initial report states:

“A doctor had prescribed the anti-depressant drug Prozac for Larry Gene
Ashbrook … police found a Prozac vial with Ashbrook’s name and want
to ask doctors why it was prescribed. …FBI officials said they ALSO
found nine vials of prescription drugs for Jack Ashbrook…” (emphasis
added) [2]

So the initial report clearly indicates that a distinction had been
made between vials with “Larry” on them and vials with “Jack” on them,
since nine vials belonged to Jack and one vial belonged to Larry. It
also stipulates that since the Prozac vial was Larry’s, they planned to
take the next step of contacting the doctor who made the prescription,
which indicates that they were really sure it said “Larry,” not “Jack.”

Furthermore, the initial Star-Telegram report said that Larry’s father
was “his anchor to reality and his caretaker to ensure he took his
medication.” But now it seems that his father did not ensure he took
his medication because it suddenly seems that he took no medication.
There out is to say he took another medication.

Gee, this certainly appears to have all the signs of a cover-up. In
fact, such a dramatic change of story is prima-facie evidence of a
cover-up. The WorldNetDaily recently reported that anti-psychiatry
activist Dennis Clarke

“…claims that pharmaceutical companies go to great lengths and
expense to cover up the problems that take place. When an incident of
violence occurs, the pharmaceutical “crash teams” go to work to keep
things quiet, according to Clarke.

Teams of psychiatrists are sent to the places where incidents take
place and quickly work to see that medical records are kept sealed,
doctors are convinced to remain silent, and victims are given
monetary payments to prevent them from ever going to court.

“It’s all being covered up, and it’s deliberate. There are billions
and billions of dollars at stake here,” explained Clarke. …” [3]

Think how easy it could be, a couple million dollars could change a lot
of stories, like maybe the one that just changed. Such expenses could
easily be less than the loses in sales that would occur if people
realize that these drugs are harmful and if law suits start rolling in
not only from users but the people they killed. Clearly, there needs to
be an investigation of this now-we-found-it-now-we-didn’t

[1] AP: Police retract remarks about drugs found:

[2] The Star-Telegram: Prozac found at Wedgwood
Baptist killer’s house. By Kathy Sanders 9/20/99:


GODDARD’S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

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