This is being remailed to make a minor correction. It comes from Dr.
Tracy and our ICFDA Director in Norway–
“I feel that this information coming in from our director in Norway is
so critical that it needs to get to all of you immediately. Hope you
can translate his English =-) Celexa has frightened me more than any
of these drugs since long before it was ever approved. We will be
hearing MUCH more about this extremely dangerous med. But if this is
happening with Celexa, the damage from the others being mixed with
alcohol is also there. How long will it take before anyone begins to
see this, who knows? The tragic twist to this is that these drugs
produce such an overwhelming craving for alcohol.” Ann
In Denmark the magazine: “Ugeskrift for Laeger” (a weekly magazine for
doctors) will publish a study that says that Celexa (citalopram,
Cipramil) can lead to death in combination with alcohol. They have
found that 4 users of celexa have died, and the obduction showed
normal doses of both Celexa and alcohol (0.8 per thousand) for some of
them. They say it’s to early to draw any conclutions, but the Danish
Legemiddelstyrelsen (the Danish FDA), are saying they will contact
other countries, and ask if they have noticed any of this problems. I
will try to pass along an abstract of this “obduction-study” when it
becomes available.