Ann Blake-Tracy on Radio: Join us Thurs Nite LIVE: Who Judges the Judges with Katherine Hine hosting Ann Blake Tracy, expert on SSRI drug-induced violence. HOW JUDGES HIDE THE VIOLENCE CAUSED BY SSRI DRUGS. Pharmaceuticals and even food additives have directly led to unprecedented levels of public shootings, parents murdering their children, celebrity deaths, and more. Ann Blake-Tracy explains how REM sleep behavioral disorders are induced by adverse reactions and withdrawals from psychotropic drugs. Listen Here Live ******…/how-judges-hide-the-violence…
OR call our GUEST LINE 845-241-9962. Press 1 to join the conversation August 24, 2017. 6-8 pm PST/ 7-9 pm MST/ 8-10 pm CST/ 9-11 pm EST Tune in to Blog Talk Radio Channel Hidden Truth Revealed: Who Judges The Judges with Katherine Hine. We will explore why some judges discourage the defense of involuntary intoxication for those whose violence was clearly caused by Big Pharma. www.SSRIstories.NET and