My experience with Effexor: March 2002
Im glad I got out of the merry-go-round and revolving door of more prescriptions before I was addicted.
Im glad I got out of the merry-go-round and revolving door of more prescriptions before I was addicted.
Hassett vs. Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) Man Claims he Became Psychotic on Accutane Luke Hassett, 22, who was diagnosed as being a paranoid schizophrenic after taking Roaccutane, is to sue Leeds General Infirmary and the clinician who prescribed him the drug. Hassett vs. Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) 4/29/2002 Man Claims he Became Psychotic on Accutane…
4/10/2002 • Effect of Hypericum perforatum (St John’s Wort) in Major Depressive Disorder David J. Kupfer, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh Medical School, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, 3811 O’Hara St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (e-mail: JAMA Vol. 287 No. 14 This study fails to support the efficacy of H perforatum in moderately…
I just wanted you to know that there is another childless parent out here in the world because of these drugs.
Why are Dr.’s so quick to want to give you some kind of antidepressant?
I wouldn’t have risked my health or my life if I knew the damage it could cause.
4/9/2002 • Sugar pills offer more relief than St. John’s wort, Zoloft Robert Bazell NBC News Even in severely depressed patients, the antidepressant drug, Zoloft, was no better than placebo. Sugar pills offer more relief than St. John’s wort, Zoloft Robert Bazell NBC News Even in severely depressed patients, the antidepressant drug, Zoloft, was…
I am unforgiving of a medical profession who cares so little for the very human beings that they swore to help.
It turned me into a junkie, waking up with shocks, nightmares, anxiety, panic